How do you know if you have dry eye?

The symptoms of dry eye vary from person to person. Here are some of the most common symptoms:

Eye strain Eye strain Eye strain
Sensitivity to light Sensitivity to light Sensitivity to light
Eye pain Eye pain Eye pain
Red eyes Red eyes Red eyes
Itchy or burning feelingin the eyes Itchy or burning feelingin the eyes Itchy or burning feeling
in the eyes
Heavy sensation Heavy sensation Heavy sensation
Watery eyes Watery eyes Watery eyes
Feeling of eye discomfort Feeling of eye discomfort Feeling of
eye discomfort
Eye discharge Eye discharge Eye discharge
Blurred vision Blurred vision Blurred vision


  • 1. Hydrelo™ LUBRICANT EYE DROPS (Ectoin® 0.5%) Instructions for Use. Santen 2017.
  • 2. Bauduoin C et al. Role of Hyperosmolarity in the Pathogenesis and Management of Dry Eye Disease: Proceedings of the OCEAN Group Meeting. Ocul Surf 2013;11(4):246-258.